Gargoyle Class Assault OmniMech

Another alternate congfiguration of a classic OmniMech, the Delta packs a wide array of lasers using Pulsed Laser technology. This array of energy weapons allows the 'Mech to operate in the field for long periods away from a supply base. The Watchdog Electronic Warfare Equipment, allows for active scanning and jamming. The Charlie II configuraion is a modification of the standard Charlie configuration that removes the Anti-Infantry Pods and adds a ton of ammo for the Class 20 Ultra-Autocannon.

 Omnimech: Gargoyle
 Inner Sphere Designation: Man O' War

 Type: Gargoyle          80
 Armor Factor: 211   FF  11
 Internal Structure:     8
 Gyroscope:              4
 Cockpit:                3
 Heatsinks: 16(32) Dual  6
 Engine:  400XL          26.25
   Movement Points
 Walking:          5
 Running:          8
 Jumping:          0
        I.S   Armor
 Head    3     9
 C.T.    25    30/10
 L/R.T.  17    24/10
 R/L.A.  13    23
 R/L.L.  17    24
 Weight & Space Allocation
 Location   Fixed   Remaining
 Head         FF       0
 Center                2
 Right      2 XL       8
   Torso    2 FF
 Left       2 XL       8
   Torso    2 FF
 Right Arm    FF       7
 Left Arm     FF       7
 Right Leg             2
 Left Leg              2

 Pod Space: 21.75 tons

 Weapons, Ammo & Equipment

 Vanguard Alternate
  Configuration Delta
 Large PL     Ra   2    6
 Large PL     La   2    6
 Medium PL    Ra   1    2
 Medium PL    La   1    2
 Medium PL    Rt   1    2
 Medium PL    Lt   1    2
 ER Small Las Ct   1    .5
 Watchdog EW  Ct   1    1

 Vanguard Alternate
  Configuration Charlie II
 AC/20 Ultra  La   8    12
 Ammo(UAC) 15 Lt   3    3
 ER Med Laser Ra   1    1
 ER Med Laser Ra   1    1
 ER Med Laser Ra   1    1
 ER Med Laser Ra   1    1
 ER Med Laser Ra   1    1
 ER Med Laser Ra   1    1
 ER Sml Laser Ra   1    .5